Why choose us over DYI site builders or other local web developers

june 15 2018

DYI sites Cons:

They can never be truly SEO (Search engine optimized) Why? Because there are a lot of meta tags that these sites do not allow you to define, the reason being simple, to allow you to do so they would have to expose meta tags and coding to you, which if you are not a computer professional chances are you really don’t want to get involved into. And for that reason, DYI Sites are a NO-NO! Why build a site that no one will ever find.

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june 15 2018

DYI sites Cons:

They nickel and dime you, that is to say, they start of saying things like oh its so easy even you can do it, but soon after you have registered, the Pandora box of additional rates and fees applicable to use every ounce of their very very limited functionality is opened. Too late Mr. Gate, you entered it, paid for it. Smart people cut losses and choose the better alternative, others stay thinking of the low entry point costs they paid and slowly dig themselves into costs they don’t want to pay but cant do nothing without. So for that reason DYI site builders are a No-No!

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june 15 2018

DYI sites Cons

Don’t blame the profit making company, they too have to make money: True, we all do, but not at you absolute expense. Why pay for something that is not engineered for success, that does not distinguish you from the competitors in look and feel, remember anyone can choose your template, that’s hallowed for you folks, not only someone visiting feel oh, it’s the same thing I say at the barber shop website .. these guys are an upcoming real estate company, they may be connected? Whats worse is that just like humans have memory and associate something that looks alike, so do search engines. When search engines see a repeated theme, code, and structure identical over 100s if not 1000s of sites, they don’t rank it in uniqueness from the structure point of view, yes you may add words relevant to your business, but 90% of the site is a replica and not original. So for that treason, DYI websites are a NO-NO.

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june 15 2018

DYI sites Cons

End of life: There are certain products that once you subscribe you may have them available for a certain time. An unknown Pandora box cost that jumped up on you, the worst part is that after you first shocker, and you thinking well I could use it I need it anyways, the end of subscription life pops up again in a few months and you now have pay again for something you probably haven’t had a chance to use. If you don’t continue subscription, its adios to what you already built in many cases and a lock out if you needed to change anything unless you paid the entire subscription again. For that bait and keep reeling in mindset DYI website builders are a No-NO.

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june 15 2018

Capital Management

Cras blandit nibh ut pretium amet in elementum. Duis bibendum convallis nun ca dictum. Quisquen ac ipsum

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june 15 2018

Creative Solutions

Cras blandit nibh ut pretium amet in elementum. Duis bibendum convallis nun ca dictum. Quisquen ac ipsum

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